Monday, January 31, 2011

Cryogenic Engineering

Cryogenic engineering is a sub stream of mechanical engineering dealing with cryogenics, and related very low temperature processes such as air liquefaction, cryogenic engines (for rocket propulsion), cryogenic surgery. Generally, temperatures below the boiling point of Nitrogen (77°K) comes under the purview of cryogenic engineering.

In physics, cryogenics is the study of the production of very low temperature (below −150 °C, −238 °F or 123 K) and the behaviour of materials at those temperatures. A person who studies elements under extremely cold temperature is called a cryogenicist. Rather than the relative temperature scales of Celsius and Fahrenheit, cryogenicists use the absolute temperature scales. These are Kelvin (SI units) or Rankine scale (English/US units).

Air liquefaction application is that  in manufacturing processes the liquid air product is fractionated into its constituent gases in liquid or gaseous form, as the oxygen is especially useful for use in fuel gas welding and cutting, and the argon is useful as an oxygen-excluding shielding gas in some forms of shielded metal arc welding, while Liquid nitrogen is useful in various low-temperature applications, being nonreactive at normal temperatures (unlike the oxygen) and boiling at 77 K (−196 °C; −321 °F).
A cryogenic rocket engine is a rocket engine that uses a cryogenic fuel (liquid hydrogen) or oxidizer (liquid oxygen), that is, its fuel or oxidizer (or both) are gases liquefied and stored at very low temperatures. Notably, these engines were one of the main factors of the ultimate success in reaching the Moon by the Saturn V rocket. Most rocket engines are internal combustion engines.

Cryogenic fuels are fuels that require storage at extremely low temperatures in order to maintain them in a liquid state. Cryogenic fuels most often constitute liquefied gases such as liquid hydrogen. Some rocket engines use regenerative cooling, that circulates their cryogenic fuel around their nozzles before the fuel is pumped into the combustion chamber and ignited. This arrangement was first suggested in 1940s. The Saturn V rocket that sent the first manned missions to the moon used this design element, which is still in use today. Quite often, liquid oxygen is mistakenly called cryogenic "fuel", though it is actually an oxidizer and not a fuel. Russian aircraft manufacturer Tupolev is currently researching a version of its popular Tu-154 design but with a cryogenic fuel system, designated the Tu-155. Using a fuel referred to as liquefied natural gas (LNG), its first flight was in 1989. India developed the technology in 2008 for use in their GSLV rockets.

During World War II, when powerful rocket engines were first considered by the German, American and Soviet engineers independently, all discovered that rocket engines need high mass flow rate of both oxidizer and fuel to generate a sufficient thrust. At that time oxygen and low molecular weight hydrocarbons were used as oxidizer and fuel pair. At room temperature and pressure, both are in gaseous state. Hypothetically, if propellants had been stored as pressurized gases, the size and mass of fuel tanks themselves would severely decrease rocket efficiency. Therefore, to get the required mass flow rate, the only option was to cool the propellants down to cryogenic temperatures (below −150 °C, −238 °F), converting them to liquid form. Hence, all cryogenic rocket engines are also, by definition, either liquid-propellant rocket engines or hybrid rocket engines.

Various cryogenic fuel-oxidizer combinations have been tried, but the combination of liquid hydrogen (LH2) fuel and the liquid oxygen (LOX) oxidizer is one of the most widely used. Both components are easily and cheaply available, and when burned have one of the highest entropy releases by combustion, producing specific impulse up to 450 s (effective exhaust velocity 4.4 km/s).

The major components of a cryogenic rocket engine are the combustion chamber (thrust chamber), pyrotechnic igniter, fuel injector, fuel cryopumps, oxidizer cryopumps, gas turbine, cryo valves, regulators, the fuel tanks, and rocket engine nozzle. In terms of feeding propellants to combustion chamber, cryogenic rocket engines (or, generally, all liquid-propellant engines) work in either an expander cycle, a gas-generator cycle, a staged combustion cycle, or the simplest pressure-fed cycle. The cryopumps are always turbopumps powered by a flow of fuel through gas turbines. Looking at this aspect, engines can be differentiated into a main flow or a bypass flow configuration. In the main flow design, all the pumped fuel is fed through the gas turbines, and in the end injected to the combustion chamber. In the bypass configuration, the fuel flow is split; the main part goes directly to the combustion chamber to generate thrust, while only a small amount of the fuel goes to the turbine

Currently, five countries have successfully developed and deployed cryogenic rocket engines:
  • India is still developing its cryogenic application for rocket launch as of January 31, 2011.

Cryosurgery first advantage is that when the neurosurgeon is can utilize low temperature during neurosurgery. The second is that the advancing front of reduced temperatures tends to cause the removal of blood and the construction of blood vessels in the affected area. This means that little or no bleeding results from cryosurgical procedure. The third is that the equipment employs z freezing apparatus (which is about the size of the large knitting needle) that can be placed in contact with the area to be destroyed with a minimum incision to expose the affected area. The equipment used in cryosurgery utilizes teh same operating priciples as teh controlled rate freezer. The flow of liquid nitrogen is controlled by and electrically operated valve.
Besides the preservation or destruction of life, low temperatures can be employed for teh formulation of drugs to release antibodies or other active agents from their cells.       

The industries that use cryogenic engineering are:
·         Food and beverages
·         Gas industries
·         Steel plants and allied industries
·         Engineering industries
·         Chemical industries
·         Hospital, pharmaceutical and fertilizer plants
·         Research institutes

Here are Samples of applications
CO2 Tanks are used for Transport and Storage of Liquefied CO2 to breweries, engineering industries, foundries, etc. and vaporises convert the liquid gas to gases form through pumps or auto pressure build up system.

The stored liquid nitrogen is used in hospitals for the preservation of clinical samples of tissue and cells at low temperatures and must be maintained at a temperature of -196˚C. (At room temperature, liquid nitrogen boils expanding like steam to fill a volume 2000 times its liquid state). And also liquid oxygen for patient use and the use of helium for MRI machines.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Driving Job

I used to drive for messenger company. Company is located in Hollywood somewhere in Santa Monica Boulevard at La Brea Boulevard. There were two owners, one female office manager, one dispatcher and about fifteen drivers with their own cars. All the drivers had to wear company uniforms and batches. That messenger company worked for movie agents, movie stars, models, big film companies like Paramount, Sony, Miramax, Walt Disney, NBC, CBS and DreamWorks. The security is always extremely tight when you deliver goods to these famous companies. These world first class film studios and companies are not located inside Hollywood but in Burbank, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Culver City, Universal City and Santa Monica. What they have now in Hollywood are newly built Kodak Theatre for Oscars, Metro Rail Red line, stars on sidewalk and shops that sell cheap souvenirs .And there are second rated small studios and works related to movie industry in Hollywood. If there were a lot of deliveries for famous street numbers, the drivers had to drive to Hollywood Hills, Beverly Hills. Some deliveries are declared identity of recipient but some are not. Some individual deliveries asked to leave at the gate to the houses as directed by the intercom at the gates and some signed to receive the package. Driving is a dangerous and nerve wrecking job indeed. Even if you are a excellent driver, someone could hit you in any circumstances such as road slippery conditions, driver fell asleep on the wheels, cellular phone rage and road rage etc.. Eight hours a day driving on the Los Angeles surface streets as well as freeways making you physically drained and mentally strained. And for any deliveries, you had to be punctual when you deliver the goods or the recipient had the right to refuse your delivery There is no excuse for traffic congestion, weather conditions, parking issues in huge buildings, dispatcher errors (even if not your fault), incomplete or incorrect package owner shipping information, outdated information of the companies/large buildings and individuals. My favourite places were big studios such as Paramount, Walt Disney Studios because as soon as you passed several security rings after checking company identification, delivery package and confirmation of the recipient, you got into hanger shaped studio area you would see groups and groups of humans, animals and machines alike freely cruising up and down alleys between those huge hangers heading for movie shooting designated areas. You would see elephants, horses, dogs, acting crew wearing different kinds of outfits, clowns, magicians, huge cameras on ground and on air, cranes, all kinds of strange stuff you normally did not see in streets outside of studio. Deliveries to Sunset Strips film stars' agents were irratatingly nice. Young, well dressed and quite arrogant girls in latest European style dresses and speaking with European accents sometimes did not even want to talk to drivers. Roughly speaking Sunset Strip is triangled by Doheny, Sunset Boulevard and Laurel Canyon Drive. I had been to Beverly Hills numerous times to deliver especially to Benedict Canyon but never met stars. Also interestingly I had been to a hotel named Chateau Marmont on Sunset (where John Belushi died after overdose of cocaine and herion) many times where the stars and agents stayed long term and short. Sometimes I had to go to Brentwood , Bel-Air, Westwood and Santa Monica. I liked the job and I learned that so much power and money in the movie businesses possess in great city of angeles as they called it.     

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Princess Haya of Jordan (2010)

Her Royal Highness Princess Haya of Jordan born 3 May 1974 (age 36) is one of King Hussein I of Jordan's daughters and one of the wives of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Princess Haya studied in Britain, where she attended Badminton School for Girls in Bristol, Bryanston School in Dorset and later St Hilda's College, Oxford University, from which she graduated with a BA Honours degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).

On 10 April 2004, Princess Haya entered a polygymous marriage, wedding HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, becoming his junior wife. His senior wife was and remains HH Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum of Dubai. At the time of the marriage, Sheikh Mohammed also had an additional four wives whose offspring are acknowledged but who do not maintain public profiles. His total number of wives is not published, but is known to include additional childless wives.

On 2 December 2007 in Dubai, Princess Haya gave birth to her first child, HH Sheikha Al Jalila bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The baby's birth coincided with the United Arab Emirates' 36th celebration of its National Day.

Princess Haya participated in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia representing Jordan in show jumping, where she was also her country’s flag bearer. Her appointment to the team was controversial, as another athlete had earned Jordan’s show jumping qualification to the Olympics, but was deprived of the place in favor of Princess Haya, who went on to place a distant 70th in Sydney.

Princess Haya was elected president of the International Equestrian Federation in 2006 for an intial four-year term in the FEI’s first contested presidential race. She made history a second time in 2010, when dissatisfaction with her record led to her becoming the first sitting FEI president to be challenged in a re-election bid. She succeeded in winning a second and final four-year term.

On 7 June 2008, New Approach, a three-year-old colt owned by Princess Haya, trained in Ireland by Jim Bolger and ridden by Kevin Manning, won the Derby Stakes. On 25 October 2008, her three-year-old colt, Raven's Pass, won the $5 million Breeders' Cup Classic.

The Hashemites

His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein is the 43rd generation direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He assumed his constitutional powers as Monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7th, 1999, the day his father, the late King Hussein, passed away.
Born in Amman on January 30th, 1962, King Abdullah II is the eldest son of His Majesty the late King Hussein and Her Royal Highness Princess Muna Al Hussein. He began his primary education at the Islamic Educational College in Amman, and later attended St. Edmund's School in Surrey, England. For his secondary education, he attended Eaglebrook School and Deerfield Academy in the United States of America.
He entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (U.K.) in 1980 and was commissioned as second Lieutenant in spring of 81. He then served as a Reconnaissance Troop Leader in the 13/18th Royal Hussars Regiment (British Army) in the U.K. (and West Germany).
From 1985 to 1993 he served mainly in the Armourd Corps (3rd Division) in all related command appointments at platoon, company and as battalion second in command positions, until finally commanding the Second Armoured Battalion, 40th Armoured Brigade with the rank of lieutenant Colonel from January 1992 to January 1993.
During this period he attended several military courses in the U.S. and the U.K. including Staff College Camberley (U.K.) 1990-1991. He also has several attachments to the Special Forces and a year as a tactics instructor with Jordan Army's Anti-Tank, Cobra Helicopter Wing.
The beginning of 1993 saw him as Deputy Commander of Jordanian Special Forces till he took full command in November 1993. He commanded these forces till October 1996, when he was instructed to re-organize this and other elite units into the Special Operations Command (SOCCOM). In 1998, as SOCCOM Commander, he was promoted to the rank of Major General and continued this command until the passing away of His Majesty King Hussein in February 1999.
In addition to his career as an army officer, King Abdullah II served Jordan many times in the official capacity of Regent in the absence of the late King Hussein, and regularly traveled on official missions. He was proclaimed Crown Prince on the 24th of January 1999 by a Royal Decree. He had also assumed the position of Crown Prince at birth by a Royal Decree until April 1st, 1965.
Since his ascension to the throne, King Abdullah II has continued his late father's commitment to creating a strong and positive moderating role for Jordan within the Arab region and the world, and has worked towards the establishment of a just and lasting comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. King Abdullah II is committed to building on the late King's legacy to further institutionalize democratic and political pluralism in Jordan.
He has exerted extensive effort to insuring sustainable levels of economic growth and social development aimed at improving the standard of living of all Jordanians. He is also working towards modernizing Jordan's information technology and educational systems. Under King Abdullah's reign, Jordan was admitted to the World Trade Organization, and ratified agreements for the establishment of a Free Trade Area with the United States of America, the European Union, the European Free Trade Association countries, and sixteen Arab countries.
King Abdullah II has also been involved in the drive for national administrative reform, as well as governmental transparency and accountability. He has been working on the advancement of civil liberties making Jordan one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East. Also, he has been involved in enacting the necessary legislations that guarantee women a full role in the Kingdom's socio-economic and political life.
King Abdullah II married Queen Rania on June 10th, 1993. The Royal Couple have two sons, Prince Hussein, born on June 28th, 1994, and Prince Hashem, born on January 30th 2005, and two daughters, Princess Iman, born on September 27th, 1996, and Princess Salma, born on September 26th, 2000. The King has four brothers and six sisters. King Abdullah II holds a number of decorations from various countries. He is a qualified frogman, pilot and a free-fall parachutist.
His other interests include automobile racing, water sports, scuba diving and collecting ancient weapons and armaments.
King Hussein Bin Talal 1935-1999
King Talal Bin Abdullah 1909-1972
King Abdullah I Bin Al-Hussein 1882-1952

Rangoon Bombing (1983)

Sunday, 21 November 2010 at 15:19

On October 9, 1983, President Chun Doo-hwan was on an official visit to Yangon, the capital of Myanmar. During the visit, he planned to lay a wreath at the Martyr’s Mausoleum, to commemorate Aung San, who founded the independent Myanmar and was assassinated in 1947. As some of the president’s staff began assembling at the mausoleum, one of three bombs concealed in the roof of the memorial exploded. The huge blast ripped through the crowd below, killing 21 people and wounding 46. Among the dead were the Korean foreign minister, Lee Bum Suk, the economic planning minister and deputy prime minister, Suh Suk Joo, and the minister for commerce and industry, Kim Dong Whie, the several best and brilliance of ROK . The rest of those killed were presidential advisers, journalists, and security officials, most of them South Korean; however, four Burmese nationals were also among the dead. President Chun was saved because his car had been delayed and was only minutes from arriving at the memorial. The bomb was reportedly detonated early because the presidential bugle which signalled Chun's decoy arrival mistakenly rang out a few minutes ahead of schedule.

On Oct. 9, 1983, a powerful bomb demolished the Martyr’s Mausoleum in Rangoon, now Yangon, just before visiting South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan was to pay homage there.

The mausoleum is a major national sanctuary in Burma where the body of the country’s founding leader Thankin Aung San is buried. The late patriot is the father of Aung San Suu Kyi, a prominent opposition leader in Myanmar.

Chun escaped unhurt as his motorcade was delayed by a few minutes due to standard security procedures. Seventeen South Koreans, including four Cabinet members, who lined up, waiting for the president’s arrival, were killed instantly.

Those killed also included four Burmese nationals. Some of the 46 people injured were South Korean journalists accompanying their president. Burma was their first stop on a six-nation Asian tour.

List of victims
Seo Seok-jun, deputy Prime Minister
Lee Beom-seok, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kim Dong-hwi, Minister of Commerce
Suh Sang-Chul, Minister of Power Resources
Ham Byeong-chun, Presidential Chief of Staff
Lee Gye-cheol, Ambassador to Burma
Kim Jae-ik, senior Presidential Secretary for Economic
Ha Dong-seon, Planning Director of International Cooperation Committee
Lee Gi-uk, Vice-Minister of Finance
Gang In-hui, Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forest, Fishery
Kim Yong-hwan, Vice-Minister of Science and Technology
Sim Sang-u, a member of the National Assembly
Min Byeong-seok, physician in attendance on the President
Lee Jae-gwan, presidential press secretary
Han Gyeong-hui, a presidential guard
Jeong Tae-jin, a presidential guard
Lee Jung-hyeon, reporter of The Dong-a Ilbo

Chun cancelled the rest of his schedule, his presidential 747 returned to Seoul and pinpointed North Korea as the culprit. North Korea denied involvement but Burma, with evidence, publicly incriminated Pyongyang and severed diplomatic ties with it as Myanmar Government did.

According to Burma’s official reports, three North Korean agents detonated by radio one of the three pre-planted powerful plastic bombs in the roof of the mausoleum. However, they did so prematurely as a presidential bugle mistakenly rang out a few minutes early to signal Chun’s arrival. That was actually same type of another Mercedes carrying South Korean ambassador to Myanmar Lee Gye-cheol. He also died in the blast.

That was the first bombing major assassination attempt against foreign head of state in Myanmar. Inside stories said that two senior ministers resided closed to PM residence sped to meet PM for emergency meeting without shoes.

After the bombing, the communist commando trio — an army major and two captains — fled the scene for the river leading to Indian Ocean heading for the pick up point just the same as the drop off, but two days later, all were identified and surrounded by the riverbank, one of them was shot to death along with several Myanmar commandos and two others were arrested alive after failing to blow themselves up with hand grenades. They were Major Zimmo and Captain Kang Ming-Chul.

DPRK Commando Major Zimmo, one of the two captured agents was later executed by hanging but the other, identified as DPRK Commando Captain Kang Min-chul, was kept alive because he had cooperated with the Burmese investigation into the case. As far as I know he learned how to speak Myanmar in jail back in 1988. He was a popular guy in jail for his goofyness. He died of liver cancer on 18 May 2008.

In 1983 before this massacre there was a huge shake up in Myanmar intelligence service due to coup attempt as well as inside KCIA for asassination of President Park by KCIA director. The North saw GEN Chun Doo-Hwan as center piece of ROK military & stability at that time. And Myanmar at that time was started looking for outside world. Good timing.

Since 1983 ~ 2010 there were a lot of strange unimaginable twist of events happened between Myanmar, ROK and DPRK.


The sun is the closest star to Earth, at a mean distance from our planet of 149.60 million km (92.96 million miles). This distance is known as an astronomical unit (abbreviated AU), and sets the scale for measuring distances all across our solar system. The sun, a huge sphere of mostly ionized gas, supports life here on Earth. The connection and interactions between the sun and Earth drive the seasons, ocean currents, weather and climate.


Groups - For warmth, some groups of animals will sleep huddled together. Many groups of animals or animals who travel in herds have guards to keep watch while the others sleep. Animals who often travel together will sleep together as well.

  • Lions sleep near each other. Lion cubs sleep with their mothers.
  • Walruses sleep on the rocks on the shore. They lie together on their sides or on their backs.
  • Mallard Ducks sometimes sleep on the water in a row. A recent study shows that some of them may sleep just half a brain at a time in order to keep watch for their entire group. 
  • Monkeys of many varieties sleep in "colonies."
  • Some insects, including ants, ladybugs, and termites sleep in groups.
  • Others, as diverse as buffalo and gazelles, giraffes and elephants, reindeer and penguins, wild horses and zebras, beavers and bats, sea lions and flocks of birds sleep in groups as well.
Families - Family groups often sleep together. Human homes vary in different cultures, from extended families sharing a house to a nuclear (parents and children only) family living in an apartment. Sometimes singles will by a condominium for a community environment. Children almost always live in their parents' homes, although most probably sleep separately from their parents. Young birds sleep in their parents' nests. Raccoons, and numerous mammals actually sleep together in family groups.
Alone - Solitary adults such as the bobcat, giant panda, iguana, koala, lynx, moose, and tiger, and many snakes prefer to sleep alone, coming together with others of their species for mating times. Some of these rear their young for a time before becoming solitary once more.


Where an animal sleeps often relates to where it spends time awake. Sometimes this is the same location, but not always. Many animals sleep in areas that give them protection while they rest, such as caves, underground, or hollowed-out trees.
Termite moundHumans are not the only ones to build their own sleeping quarters. An amazing variety of animals dig their own burrows, weave their own nests, and even create elaborate homes like the nests of paper wasps, bee hives, or beavers' lodges. African termites even create special tunnels in their mounds (which are up to 42 feet [12.8 meters] high!) to keep their dwelling cool, or "air-conditioned."
  • Bats hang upside-down while they sleep. Long-eared bats tuck their ears under their wings. You can see bats live through a WebCam  at the National Zoo (Washington, D.C.)
  • Bears
  • Mountain lions
Nests posterTrees - Many animals, both ground and tree dwellers, choose to sleep in trees. For some, it provides safety because of its high location and its many view-blocking branches. Those animals who hang from or perch in trees have special natural built-in body features in their claws, tails, etc.
  • Birds that sleep on a perch or branch lock their legs in a bent position. Their toes curl to ensure a good grip. Many birds will make a nest to sleep in. 
  • Some birds, such as woodpeckers, wood ducks, or barn owls, make their sleeping quarters inside the hollow of a dead tree.
  • Elf owls will even sleep inside a cactus, once woodpeckers have left homes vacant. (4)
  • Orangutans gather leaves to prepare a bed for themselves in the trees each night. While they sleep, their fingers and toes will wrap around the branches so that they don't fall.
  • Many other primates including: chimpanzee, gibbon, baboon, the ring-tailed lemur, and the spider monkey. For those who have them, tails help to keep them in place while sleeping.
  • Squirrels also make nests in trees, but like birds, these are for more than a one-night stay.Porcupine
  • Many others, including: sloths, koalas, red pandas, Native American porcupines , opossums, panthers, lynx, and raccoons.
Underground - Whether alone or in groups, some live in underground tunnels or under the mud, others in elaborate burrows.
  • Frogs
  • Prairie dogs, with live in elaborate underground communities
  • Many more, including other insects, moles, shrews, rabbits, chipmunks, badgers, and African Crested porcupines.
  • Ducks will often sleep on the water.
  • Fish cannot close their eyes at all. It is controversial as to whether or not all fish actually sleep. Parrot fish use a bubble for protection.
  • Crabs live in a variety of places, but not all sleep in the water even if they spend much time there while awake. Some sleep in burrows in saltwater stream banks, in abandoned shells, in oyster shells, in fresh water, or even in burrows several miles inland! 
  • Manatees (large water mammals) need to surface for air, but sleep upside down underwater.
  • Seals can sleep both on land and on water. Body fat and air inside their bodies help keep them afloat, allowing their noses to be above water so that they can breathe.
  • Sea Lions keep their head above water to breathe while sleeping. Sometimes, they also keep one flipper out, which gains warmth on a sunny day.
  • Sea Otters float on their back in seaweed. The seaweed anchors them so that they don't drift away.Polar bear
  • Polar bearsmay sleep in temporary dens in snow banks, even hibernating there briefly in winter before giving birth. However, they occasionally end up sleeping on an iceberg or ice floes in cold northern water, in the middle of a long hunt or swim. (8)

Posture (Position) During Sleep

A sleeping animal's posture depends not only on the type of animal, but also the type of sleep and the air temperature.
Upside down - Some animals that sleep upside down are bats, manatees, and sloths.
Tucked In - Many animals sleep in a curled up position with their nose and tail touching. The fox, for example, will use its bushy tail as a pillow. Similarly, birds will tuck their beak into the feathers above the wing. These postures help to conserve body heat, keeping the animals warm while sleeping. At warmer temperatures, sometimes these animals will stretch out their bodies during sleep.
Standing vs. Lying - Animals who experience REM sleep usually will sleep in a different posture during REM sleep. Many large mammals can sleep standing up, but they must lie down for REM sleep!
Among animals who sleep standing up are adult herbivores. This might be in order to remain on partial alert in case of danger. Most young animals lie down to sleep. Baby penguins, for example sleep lying down whereas the adults will sleep standing with their heads tucked under their wings.
Standing on one leg is even harder to imagine. Flamingos and herons are only two of the many birds who can sleep with one leg tucked up and not lose their balance. etc. to allow them to sleep securely without falling.


Domestic animals learn different sleeping habits from the wild.
  • Birds who sleep on a perch in a cage may need a cover over it to protect them from drafts.Cats napping
  • Cats may sleep in window sills, in a bed or on some other furniture, or outside on a sunny driveway.
  • Rabbits should be kept indoors or in a large and very secure hutch outdoors, where they can hide from predators. They need padding or nesting material if their cage is made of metal or wire.
  • Pet fish, lizards, and amphibians will probably sleep better with adequate cover or hiding places to feel protected.
  • Pet gerbils and hamsters may run on squeaky exercise wheels or chew loudly during the night while you are trying to sleep, so you may wish to keep them separate from your bedroom so their nocturnal noise level will not prevent you from getting deep sleep.Dog on Couch
  • Dogs may sleep in a special dog bed with padding, outdoors in a doghouse, indoors in a kennel or crate, in a bed, on a couch or on a rug.
  • If you are allergic to your pet, you will probably want to consider having it sleep on a different level of your home than you are, but certainly out of your bedroom for your own health and breathing ease.