Saturday, November 18, 2017

Cause and Effect : IS/Al Qaeda Tactics World Wide

These are the facts of Iraq and Afganistan Wars

    Al Qaeda spent roughly half a million dollars to destroy the World Trade Center and cripple the Pentagon. What has been the cost to the United States?”

    The U.S. government says precious little about these new ways of fighting enemies. But the strategic volte-face is clear: America has decided that conventional wars of uncertain outcome in Iraq and Afghanistan that may, according to a Brown University study, end up costing at least $3.7 trillion are a bad way to fight terrorists and that far cheaper, more precise tools for eliminating enemies are preferable — even if the legality of those killings is debatable

    “Air Force officials calculate that it costs $5 billion to operate the service’s global airborne surveillance network, and that sum is growing. The Pentagon has asked for another $5 billion next year alone for remotely piloted drone systems. Yet even those costs are tiny compared with the price of the big wars

    Estimated total cost of health care and disability compensation to veterans of the current wars will be nearly $1 trillion over the next 40 years

    In human terms, 224,000 to 258,000 people have died directly from warfare, including 125,000 civilians in Iraq. Many more have died indirectly, from the loss of clean drinking water, healthcare, and nutrition. An additional 365,000 have been wounded and 7.8 million people—equal to the combined population of Connecticut and Kentucky – have been displaced

    “More than $800 billion dollars in Pentagon direct spending has gone towards the war in Iraq. … That’s a far cry from the Bush administration’s early estimate of between $50 and $60 billion dollars

    Brown University's Costs of War project estimates that the United States has spent between $3.2 trillion and $4 trillion on the ‘war on terror’…We cannot afford, literally, to focus exclusively on foreign affairs alone, as if the choices we make in relations to other nations don't have an impact on our ‘domestic affairs’ or our economy. “

    American military personnel have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. More than 6,000 of them, as well as 2,300 U.S. contractors, have died in the two wars. Some 150,000 U.S. soldiers and contractors have been wounded. Another 20,000 soldiers from U.S. allies and Iraqi and Afghani security forces have died

    LASTLY “The astonishing amount of money taxpayers have spent on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars – an average of $130 billion annually – could have been better invested in efforts aligned with Americans' values, and in particular, job creation. The Eisenhower Research Project's ‘Costs of War’ project, sponsored by Brown University, estimates that a year of war funding could have sparked 936,000 education jobs, 780,000 health care jobs, or 364,000 constructions jobs.” – US Rep. Pete Stark

    “The Brown project puts the wars’ ultimate cost … at up to US$4 trillion – equivalent to the country’s cumulative budget deficits for the six years from 2005 to 2010. Think of how many people that money could feed and school.” 

    Thursday, November 16, 2017

    Myanmar Soccer Team in 1970s (Where have all the flowers gone)

    Burma Stays, will never ever fade away easy 


    We still like to call them “Burma” although the name wise (has been changed from Burma to Myanmar), the ‘ism’, the culture and the sports system of the country have been changed. We are talking about Myanmar Soccer Team in the past

    During 1970s football in Myanmar was at best shape, international level, national level and club teams competition level

    As a young soccer fan, I watched national team played for first ever Olympic qualifying matches and in Olympics in 1972 by beating all Asian rivals such as Isreal, and to Thai national team (7-1) decisively. The team wise, and the individual wise they were so innovative and too many talents and too much for other Asian rivals back then      

    I had a privilege to watch Khin Maung Tun (he played for Burma and Customs in 60s & 70s, he is a big tall guy but he was so swift and played balls so beautifully in air), Tin Aung (he played for Army, tall but slim, quick, firm, best GK Myanmar ever had, his outstanding consistency through out his career, I met him so many times during his successful career abroad), Mg Mg Nyunt (he was a first class goal keeper and a backup goalkeeper for first line up Goal Tin Aung, he was from Rakhine State, light heavyweight class classy goal keeper too, very need and tidy ball keeping), Tin Win (he played for Trade first division team, he could play anywhere in the field, physically the most fittest in the then Burma first division, rarely played for Burma, was the father of Myo Hlaing Win, also a Myanmar national team soccer captain, grandfather of current national team player Kaung Set Naing), Kyaw Min (goalkeeper, he played for Navy Team, he was individually so strong and so great that he could carry ball from goal and still score goal to opposite side , big guy, seldom chosen to Burma team because his outstanding solo play in first division), John Steel (Customs reputed goalkeeper, watched him played several games, very entertaining ), Myo Win Nyunt (most disciplined defensive and offensive player of Burma), Tin Sein (great player, great offensive assist player for customs & Burma), Maung Maung Tin (one of the best sweeper Burma had ever had, smart, proud, always head high, cool, dedicated player, later became captain of the Burma Railways soccer team, He always covered Ko Tin Aung every time there was a dogfight in front of the goal post in international tournaments), Khin Maung Kyaing (with Customs, centre back, great penalty kicker, he always kicked straight to goalkeeper but upward to the goal roof, never gave them any chances, great player in first division),  Thein Htay Aung (he played for Trade, short, great controls about the size of David Luis, just like him) Aung Than (tall, he played sweeper after Mg Mg Tin retired from Burma, centre defensive, sweeper), Than Htike (paired with Aung Than, centre defensive player, played for Burma and in first division, soccer smart, quick-tempered player), Khin Mg Tint (he was a backup player during Burma Golden Era, very young, good looking player, he was with Trade Ministry team), Htun Hla Aung (he played for EPC as sweeper #4 in first division league), Tin Han (he was a old school defensive player for Ministry of Construction, tough, fighter), Kyaw Nyunt (he played for EPC, very smart player, played with distinct style), Kyaw Tint (he played for Air Force team with Aye Maung Lay, backup left side back for Burma), Aye Maung (Gyi)(one of greatest player Burma possessed then and may be forever, team captain, intelligent, great dribbler, set piece maker), Aye Maung (Lay)(played for Air Force team, had great stamina, he could play the whole field for 90 minutes easy, running all around, real life dedicated soccer player with crew cut), Sein Win (Gyi) (ArtChiKaung was his Chinese name, what we normally called him in the field) (he played for Trade, midfielder, rarely chosen in Burma team because his hot temper and having fights in almost every first division league games), Sein Win (Lay)(he played with Ministry of Construction team and a protege of Aye Maung Gyi but he played with his own style and very fast, lightning team offensive midfielder for MOC, very entertaining), Than Win (younger brother of Sein Win Lay, played for Trade and very talented player, very creative, great dribbling skills, fast, left footer) Thein Aung (Army muscled midfielder, should be Mr Universe instead of football player, and Army team captain for quite a while), Benny Tin Aung (we just called him Benny at that time, he played for Trade, midfielder, backup player for Burma for (2)Aye Maungs in the midfield, steady, cool, low profile) Pan Sit (he played for Yangon Minicipal with Than Soe, famous player), Hla Htay (cool, classy, bike rider with a tobacco pipe, intelligent, highly gifted winger from Irrawaddy Division), Ye Nyunt (one of Burma main striker, played for Customs with Myo Win Nyunt and Tin Sein), Than Soe (Sut Thee)(Burma main striker, aggressive,daring player scoring goals in critical times of crises), Win Mg (tall, always smiling, humble, fast moving, very cool winger from Army), Tin Ag Moe (short, stocky, very good nature winger from Ministry of Construction died in young age, a favourite of Thailand and Shan State, he was loved dearly, when Ko Tin Ag Moe died, we all cried), Tin Shwe (great dribbler, he played great in first division league games, played so smooth, smart all around player), May Kyaing (he is a short, so stocky but fast strong striker for Burma team in later days), Win Sein (he is good, fast, and a lot of muscles, popular in macho country like Afganistan, they offered him a job for their league team, he refused),  Kyi Lwin (short, small, very fast, dedicated first division player, always entertaining in league games), Kyaw Min (he played for Navy, sometimes he played as goalkeeper and sometimes he played forward, and in one of night league game in Aung San stadium, recalled that he was impatient with his forwards that he went ahead and dribbled past all opposite team (11) himself scored one goal as a goalkeeper, could you believe that?) international, national level and club level played at Aung San stadium 

    During 1970s ‘Burma’ has won all Asian football circuit trophies such as Park Chung Hee Cup, Madeka, Thai King Cup, Asian Soccer Cup, Olympic qualifying rounds. And it went on to win the most cleanest/fairest team in 1972 Munich Olympic games. Asians football fans know Burmese Soccer players by name. Ko Tin Ag Moe and Aye Maung were very well known in Asian Circuit. Aik Maung, as Malays fans called Aye Mg, especially Malay girls, crazy back then. Myanmar players were way popular abroad than inside Burma those days. Today in year 2017, some of these players are not here with us, some were long gone. I salute and miss them much       

    With this a little write up, I bow, honor and salute  Khin Maung Tun, Ko Tin Aung, Ko Mg Mg Nyunt, Ko Myo Win Nyunt, Ko Tin Sein, Ko Mg Mg Tin, Ko Aye Mg (Gyi), Ko Aye Mg (Lay), Ko Hla Htay, Ko Tin Ag Moe, Ko Ye Nyunt, Ko Than Soe, Ko Win Maung, Ko Khin Maung Tint, Ko Than Win, and so so many talents from my heart. It will be a very thick book if you write it up all about these great players still not included in this brief writeup like Myo Chit, Thant Zin, Myo Thein , Maung Maung, Khin Mg Nyunt, Shwe Baw, Sai Kenneth, Ba Pu, Bahadur, Kyaw Sein Tun, Gwan Shein, Soe Myint Lwin and so so so so so on

    Lastly, I really feel like I would like to hear the song “Doh Bamar Naing Pyi” again at 8 am after the every final match like we used to on those glorious days

    And I request Myanmar football authorities to show old golden Burma Soccer games  
    So I say here: Burma will not fade away, never ever in my mind and other football loving fans in Myanmar forever
    Note: Writer is a soccer fan for all of his life. He started out watching taped Pele/Carlos Alberto, Socrates, Falcao, Roberto Carlos,  and all Brazil World Cup teams up to Dunga/Neymer era. Italy team with Paulo Rossi to Baggio and England team with Gari Linekar, Beckham.  Orange Team with Cryff, Johan Nieeskin, Rud Gulik, Marco Van ..., French team with M Platini and Deschamps, German team with Beckanbauer,Breitner, Uly Hoeness,Liberski, Matheus up to M Gomez..still following soccer with Fabregas, Mercelo, Messi, Neymer, D.Luis anything you want to add.. please let me know.... my email is Open for inquiries

    Wednesday, November 15, 2017

    Werner Von Braun Special

    The first view with human eyes of the Earth rising over the limb of the Moon. This was perhaps the greatest moment in education / public outreach for NASA until the first moon landing, and it was the picture that Stuhlinger sent to Sister Jucunda with the above letter. Image credit: NASA / Apollo 8.

    It’s a very different story than the kind we normally tell one another. In our modern world, we’re often looking for instant gratification, for a near-term reward or return, and for immediate improvement. But science isn’t always like that. Nuclear power wasn’t harnessed for decades after the idea was first proposed; the Higgs boson was only found after over 40 years had passed and billions of dollars were invested in its search; gravitational waves weren’t found until a full century had passed from Einstein’s theory to LIGO’s discovery. Yet each of these achievements, along with countless others, have helped bring about the modern world, with billions of people enjoying a higher quality of life than ever before.

    The launch of Cassini, on October 15, 1997. This spectacular streak shot was taken from Hangar AF on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, with a solid rocket booster retrieval ship in the foreground. The lessons we learn from exploring the Universe often translate to improvements in the quality of life here on Earth, albeit not immediately. Image credit: NASA.

    I like to think that everyone in the world would share Stuhlinger’s vision, and that same commitment to invest in the Earth’s long term prosperity. Stuhlinger was the driving force behind Explorer 1, the United States’ first satellite to orbit the Earth, launched just months after Sputnik. Stuhlinger dreamed of a manned mission to Mars as early as 1958, and advocated for increased investment in science and exploration throughout his entire life. He passed away, at the age of 94, back in 2008, as one of the last surviving members of Operation Paperclip.

    Missile expert Wernher von Braun (center) and missile expert Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (L) inspecting a model of a rocket. Image credit: Walter Sanders / Time Life Pictures.

    Tuesday, November 14, 2017

    Commander-In-Chief Signed Contract With NBC

    Truth In Satire

    Trump Signs Deal With NBC For New TV Series: “The Real First    Family of D.C.”

    President says having cameras in White House for reality TV show will not affect “the unbelievable job I’m doing for our country”

    The stars of the new NBC reality TV show, The Real First Family of D.C., on the set of the Today Show with Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie. The show, expected to be a huge ratings success, is scheduled to air in September. (Credit: The Today Show)
    Among the many other things President Donald Trump has been focused on since his election, we now know that one of them was shopping around a reality TV show featuring his family’s eventful new life in Washington, titled, The Real First Family of D.C.

    That news came yesterday when the White House announced that the president had signed a deal with NBC to co-produce and star in the series that will begin airing Memorial Day weekend, according to network sources. The show’s executive producer will be Mark Burnett, who worked with Mr. Trump in the past on The Apprentice, also an NBC program.
    According to those who’ve seen test footage of the show, one segment features Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric turning viciously on half-sister, Tiffany. (Credit: ABC News/US Weekly)
    The official statement read: “President Donald J. Trump and the First Family are thrilled to be part of a new production from NBC titled The Real First Family of D.C.
    The President has no doubt that this will be the greatest show in the history of television — much bigger than The Apprentice, The Celebrity Apprentice and Roots combined. This new ‘mega-hit in the making’ fuses the gripping family drama of HBO’s Game of Thrones with the sizzling political intrigue of the Netflix series, House of Cards.”
    President Trump, clearly excited by the launch of the show, tweeted at 3am: “Wow. Big news! America’s First Family coming to you in prime time starting in September! Must-see TV!”
    Several production assistants working closely with Mark Burnett, revealed that the first episode will open with television news footage taken at the 2016 Republican convention.

    Asked later during a press conference how he planned to work the production demands of a television show into his already packed political schedule, and his constant attacks on the press, Mr. Trump answered: “Look, from the very first moment I announced my candidacy, I was hoping that an election victory would result in a television experience giving every American an incredible peek into the workings of their government. Talk about transparency! I’m going to be the most transparent president ever, and The Real First Family of D.C., from Donald J. Trump Productions, is the proof.”
    The revelation that Mr. Trump has been positioning the reality show for sale to a television network for more than a year may help explain why Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump moved their family from New York to Washington so quickly after the election. Taking prominent positions within the administration from day one guarantees them both plenty of camera time when shooting begins later this month.Sources close to Steve Bannon say he fully expected to be a major cast member of the show and went to war with Jared Kushner when the dimpled son-in-law lobbied the president for more prominent roles for himself and wife Ivanka.
    One NBC television executive, who spoke off the record, added that Melania’s earlier decision to live in New York City was actually a plot device suggested by Mark Burnett to create the appearance of tension between the President and First Lady. Burnett felt strongly that planting the seeds of a potential messy divorce, played out on a national stage, was a proven way to hook viewers in the first season.
    Mr. Trump also proposed adding a “hot young mistress or a horny White House intern” to the plot line to give it more authenticity. Network sources would not say if a decision has been made on the president’s proposal, but did confirm that Mr. Trump has added a casting couch to the Oval Office.
    The unprecedented news of a reality show taking place within the White House has raised alarm bells in the intelligence community. One longtime FBI special agent, speaking anonymously, noted that President Trump’s well-documented love of television, along with his now confessed desire to turn his presidency into a major media event via reality TV, might shed light on his apparent willingness to collude with the Russians to win the election at any cost — including criminal interference.
    In 2010, businessman Trump was quoted as saying, “Television is the be-all and end-all of my life — I’d rather have a hit TV show than become the President of the United States.” It’s possible that with the launch of The Real First Family of D.C., he has figured out how to do both.

    Hospital We Stand

    That all started in 1994 after Geologists called it “Landers Earthquake” ordinary people called it “North Ridge Earthquake” on one clear beautiful morning in California. Some historic buildings, city halls, bridges, apartments collapsed, cars crushed with human fatalities, most important of all, hospitals stopped working because there are no seismic restraints on moving machines. Medical  equipments in hospitals stopped working, malfunctioned and quit treating the most important assets on this universe, human beings and animals.
    After this disaster then President William Jefferson Clinton signed the amendment in Federal Constitution that all six hundred and fifty (650) hospitals in California have to be seismic retrofitted within certain time frame and Federal Government will fund fifty percent (50%) and the other half will be taken care of by Private Healthcare Groups.
    I was involved in brand new 500 bed, 500,000 square feet (2) hospital construction from the beginning to the end, from the basement to the 9th floor roof where our large all (20)100, 0000# air handling units were sitting, it took (6) years total to be perfect along with sufficient seismic retrofitting. One (1) renovation projects for (2) years, renovation on vintage hospital is a lifetime job. It was built in 1919 and one of most prestigious still functioning Naval Medical Center  

    The main cause for this effort is that to save precious human lives and that’s it. Hospitals will never stop again in the future in case of any disaster. Hospitals keep treating hospital patients and incoming patients in from disaster areas. Japan is the first nation on this globe to post “Hospital We Stand” sign proudly during Fukushima disaster showing that their hospitals are fully functioning in time of horrific combination of Tsunami and Earthquake on their Volcanic Island