Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Saga of (New) Freeway Construction These Days

My country is planning to build Yangon Metro Freeway around Thilawa SEZ to nearest International Airports. Here is the good example issues when building freeways these days. I prefer expand or converting (e) large roads, (e) boulevards into Freeways. That will save cost and time big time, and you get instant freeway system. I believe in idea that will overtake infrastructures in much more developed countries in a short run. Here is the most recent example that will guide you thru how long it will take to build one short freeway these days

Interstate 105 (I-105) is an Interstate Highway in southern Los Angeles County, California that runs east–west from near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to Norwalk. It is officially known as the Glenn Anderson Freeway for the Democratic California politician who advocated its construction. I-105 has also been referred to as the Century Freeway.

The Los Angeles Metro Rail Green Line runs in the median of nearly the entire length of I-105. The Green Line's eastern terminus is at Norwalk, at the interchange between I-105 and I-605; two miles from the western end of the freeway, the Green Line separates onto its own right-of-way at Aviation Boulevard, splitting into two branches: one turning south towards Redondo Beach and one (currently under construction, scheduled to open in 2019) heading north towards LAX.

Interstate 105 was an integral part of a Caltrans 1960s master plan for the Southern California freeway system, but did not open until 1993. The right-of-way was included on several early highway plans since at least 1947, although it was not named the "Century Freeway" until 1956, and was numbered Route 42. In 1965, the Century Freeway was added to the state system originated at State Route 1

The route was designed between 1968 and 1972, but opposition from some of the communities through which the right-of-way would pass slowed the process and led to some reroutings. Many factors contributed to the delay. The growth of the environmental movement in the 1960s created resistance to new freeway construction. Fiscal difficulties brought about by the 1971 Sylmar earthquake and the California tax revolt of the late 1970s further hampered Caltrans' construction efforts.

However, the major source of resistance to the freeway's construction was community opposition and the side effects of these demands. By the early 1970s, most of the areas in the freeway's path (and thus slated to be demolished) were predominantly African-American. Resentment over previous freeway projects' effects on other black communities resulted in significant modifications to the original route. Most cities along the way, weary of the noise and visual blight created by elevated freeways, demanded that the route be built far below grade in a "trench." Also another source for resistance to the freeway's construction was that much of the areas along the I-105 path was going to be built in low income, high crime neighborhoods, which also delayed the freeway's construction until the crime in the areas went down.

Norwalk, opposed to the freeway's proposed route through the center of the city, blocked the route from reaching its intended terminus at the Santa Ana Freeway; however, Caltrans had already decided to abandon that section due to the inability of the severely congested Santa Ana to accommodate any more traffic. The freeway eventually replaced Imperial Hwy State Route 42), which roughly paralleled the freeway.

One the early morning in 1993 (33 years later from drawing board design stage), the Century Freeway was opened, then US Vice President Al Gore announced " Let the rubber meets the asphalt" then suddenly, I heard "Vroom" Cars just started driving on 105 Freeway

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Silent Killer : E Coli Infection Linked to Vegetables such as Lettuce, Leafy Greens

Update: Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections
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Media Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Contact: Media Relations,

On January 10, 2018, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported that an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7 infections (STEC O157:H7) they had identified was linked to romaine lettuce appears to be over.

In the United States, CDC, several states, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continue to investigate a multistate outbreak of 24 STEC O157:H7 infections in 15 states. Since CDC’s initial media statement on December 28, seven more illnesses have been added to this investigation. The last reported illness started on December 12, 2017.

The likely source of the outbreak in the United States appears to be leafy greens, but officials have not specifically identified a type of leafy greens eaten by people who became ill.  Leafy greens typically have a short shelf life, and since the last illness started a month ago, it is likely that contaminated leafy greens linked to this outbreak are no longer available for sale. Canada identified romaine lettuce as the source of illnesses there, but the source of the romaine lettuce or where it became contaminated is unknown.

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) showed that the STEC O157:H7 strain from ill people in the United States is closely related genetically to the STEC O157:H7 strain from ill people in Canada. WGS data alone are not sufficient to prove a link; health officials rely on other sources of data, such as interviews from ill people, to support the WGS link. This investigation is ongoing. Because CDC has not identified a specific type of leafy greens linked to the U.S. infections, and because of the short shelf life of leafy greens, CDC is not recommending that U.S. residents avoid any particular food at this time.

Outbreak Summary

In the United States, a total of 24 STEC O157:H7 infections have been reported from California (4), Connecticut (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (2), Maryland (3), Michigan (1), Nebraska (1), New Hampshire (2), New Jersey (1), New York (1), Ohio (1), Pennsylvania (2), Vermont (1), Virginia (1), and Washington (1). Illnesses started on dates from November 15 through December 12, 2017. Among the 18 ill people for whom CDC has information, nine were hospitalized, including one person in California who died. Two people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure.

The Public Health Agency of Canada identified romaine lettuce as the source of the outbreak in Canada. In the United States, the likely source of the outbreak appears to be leafy greens, but health officials have not identified a specific type of leafy greens that sick people ate in common.

State and local public health officials continue to interview sick people in the United States to determine what they ate in the week before their illness started. Of 13 people interviewed, all 13 reported eating leafy greens. Five (56%) of nine ill people specifically reported eating romaine lettuce. This percentage was not significantly higher than results from a survey of healthy people in which 46% reported eating romaine lettuce in the week before they were interviewed.  Based on this information, U.S. health officials concluded that ill people in this outbreak were not more likely than healthy people to have eaten romaine lettuce.  Ill people also reported eating different types and brands of romaine lettuce. Currently, no common supplier, distributor, or retailer of leafy greens has been identified as a possible source of the outbreak. CDC continues to work with regulatory partners in several states, at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to identify the source.

Although the most recent illness started on December 12, there is a delay between when someone gets sick and when the illness is reported to CDC. For STEC O157:H7 infections, this period can be two to three weeks. Holidays can increase this delay. Because of these reporting delays, more time is needed before CDC can say the outbreak in the United Stated is over. This investigation is ongoing.

Advice to Consumers

CDC is not recommending that U.S. residents avoid any particular food given the short shelf life of leafy greens and because a specific type of leafy greens has not been identified.

Symptoms of E. coli Infections

Most people develop diarrhea (often bloody) and stomach cramps. People usually get sick from E. coli O157:H7 three to four days after eating food contaminated with the germ. If you are concerned that you have an E. coli infection, talk to your healthcare provider.

General Recommendations for Preventing E. coli Infections

You can protect yourself by washing your hands thoroughly before and after preparing or eating food. You can also wash counters, cutting boards, and utensils after they touch raw meat to avoid contaminating other foods. It’s also important to avoid preparing food when you are sick, particularly if you are sick with diarrhea.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Name of The Game is D.........


Metta*World Peace (US NBA Basketball Player)
Alexander Zverez  (Current Top German Tennis Player)
Mischa Zverez (The Brother Tennis Player of Alex)
Boris Johnson (British Foreign Secretary)
Tin Tin (Burma’s Asia Boxing Champ)
Ni Ni (Burma Boxing)
Ha Ran Kan (Burma Police Boxing Team Champion)
Martina Navratilova (US-World Tennis Champ)
Jennifer Tin Lay (Burma’s 10 time SE Asean Game Champ)
Mark Phillipoussis (Australian Tennis Champ)
Pete Sampras (US Tennis)
Andre Agassi (US Tennis)
Nick Krygios (Aussie Tennis Top Contender)
Nicki Manaj (US)
Shaquille O’Neal (Now, Dr Shaquille IO’Neal, US Basketball Player)
‘Kobe’ Bryant (US Basketball Player)
Lebron James (US Basketball Player)
Yao Ming (Chinese Basketball Player)
Kareem Abdul-Jabber (US Basketball Player)
Albert Kenya Fujimori (Ex-Peruvian President)
Antonio Inoki (Japanese Wresler)
Mohammed Ali (US and World Greatest Boxer)

(Metta=Myitta=Infinite Kindness in Sanskrit)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Acceleration and Deceleration


The Soviets invaded Afganistan in 1979 in order to prop up a friendly government. They withdrew in 1989.

General Zia Ul Haq, President of Pakistan, Chief of Army and US Ambassador to Pakistan  were killed on August 17, 1988 when a Pakistani Air Force plane exploded in midair and crashed on Pakistan soil. After that US-Pakistan cooperation accelerated rapidly in military affairs. Mujahideens were furnished with US shoulder launched ‘Stinger’ Surface –to-Air missiles to shoot down enemy attack helicopters and fighter planes and other military hardware

Soviet withdrew in 1989 after its systems and leadership changes. After Soviets withdrew in 1989, they left a Pro Soviet Government to fend itself. The Government fell in 1992

Taliban (Persian: students) emerged in the fall of 1994. By 2001 Taliban’s power extended over 9/10 of Afganistan. Panjshir Mujahideen militias known as Northern Alliance maintain control of Northern Afganistan. Initially, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE gave formal recognition to Taliban Government in mid 2001

On the other side of the world in United States of America, on the morning of September 11, 2001, there were series of four (4) coordinated terrorist attack by the terrorist group of ‘al –queda ‘(Arabic: the base or the foundation or the fundament). The attacks in New York killed 3,000 people, injured over 6,000 others and caused large long term infrastructure and property damage


On January 1, 2018, military backed US President tweeted that US ‘has foolishly given Pakistan more than (33) billion dollars in aid over last (15) years and they have been given us nothing but lies and deceit thinking our leaders as fools’.

PS: Indians tweeted "I am so sorry for you man" 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Mars 2020 (next Mars Rover) will have 23 20/20 Eyes

Enhanced engineering cameras
Selection of the 23 cameras on NASA's 2020 Mars rover

3-D printed model of Mastcam-Z
A selection of the 23 cameras on NASA's 2020 Mars rover. Many are improved versions of the cameras on the Curiosity rover, with a few new additions as well. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech UPDATED AT 4:15 p.m. PDT to correct the number of EDL cameras shown in the image.
› Full image and caption
When NASA's Mars Pathfinder touched down in 1997, it had five cameras: two on a mast that popped up from the lander, and three on NASA's first rover, Sojourner.
Since then, camera technology has taken a quantum leap. Photo sensors that were improved by the space program have become commercially ubiquitous. Cameras have shrunk in size, increased in quality and are now carried in every cellphone and laptop.
That same evolution has returned to space. NASA's Mars 2020 mission will have more "eyes" than any rover before it: a grand total of 23, to create sweeping panoramas, reveal obstacles, study the atmosphere, and assist science instruments. They will provide dramatic views during the rover's descent to Mars and be the first to capture images of a parachute as it opens on another planet. There will even be a camera inside the rover's body, which will study samples as they're stored and left on the surface for collection by a future mission.
A Snapshot of Some Mars 2020 Cameras
› Enhanced Engineering Cameras: Color, higher resolution and wider fields of view than Curiosity's engineering cameras.
› Mastcam-Z: An improved version of Curiosity's MASTCAM with a 3:1 zoom lens.
› SuperCam Remote Micro-Imager (RMI): The highest-resolution remote imager will have color, a change from the imager that flew with Curiosity's ChemCam.
› CacheCam: Will watch as rock samples are deposited into the rover's body.
› Entry, descent and landing cameras: Six cameras will record the entry, descent and landing process, providing the first video of a parachute opening on another planet.
› Lander Vision System Camera: Will use computer vision to guide the landing, using a new technology called terrain relative navigation.
› SkyCam: A suite of weather instruments will include a sky-facing camera for studying clouds and the atmosphere.
All these cameras will be incorporated as the Mars 2020 rover is built at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. They represent a steady progression since Pathfinder: after that mission, the Spirit and Opportunity rovers were designed with 10 cameras each, including on their landers; Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover has 17.
"Camera technology keeps improving," said Justin Maki of JPL, Mars 2020's imaging scientist and deputy principal investigator of the Mastcam-Z instrument. "Each successive mission is able to utilize these improvements, with better performance and lower cost."
That advantage represents a full circle of development, from NASA to the private sector and back. In the 1980s, JPL developed active-pixel sensors that used less power than earlier digital camera technology. These sensors were later commercialized by the Photobit Corporation, founded by former JPL researcher Eric Fossum, now at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.
20/20 Vision
The cameras on 2020 will include more color and 3-D imaging than on Curiosity, said Jim Bell of Arizona State University, Tempe, principal investigator for 2020's Mastcam-Z. The "Z" stands for "zoom," which will be added to an improved version of Curiosity's high-definition Mastcam, the rover's main eyes.
Mastcam-Z's stereoscopic cameras can support more 3-D images, which are ideal for examining geologic features and scouting potential samples from long distances away. Features like erosion and soil textures can be spotted at the length of a soccer field. Documenting details like these is important: They could reveal geologic clues and serve as "field notes" to contextualize samples for future scientists.
"Routinely using 3-D images at high resolution could pay off in a big way," Bell said. "They're useful for both long-range and near-field science targets."
Finally, in color
The Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity rovers were all designed with engineering cameras for planning drives (Navcams) and avoiding hazards (Hazcams). These produced 1-megapixel images in black and white.
On the new rover, the engineering cameras have been upgraded to acquire high-resolution, 20-megapixel color images.
Their lenses will also have a wider field of view. That's critical for the 2020 mission, which will try to maximize the time spent doing science and collecting samples.
"Our previous Navcams would snap multiple pictures and stitch them together," said Colin McKinney of JPL, product delivery manager for the new engineering cameras. "With the wider field of view, we get the same perspective in one shot."
That means less time spent panning, snapping pictures and stitching. The cameras are also able to reduce motion blur, so they can take photos while the rover is on the move.
A Data Link to Mars
There's a challenge in all this upgrading: It means beaming more data through space.
"The limiting factor in most imaging systems is the telecommunications link," Maki said. "Cameras are capable of acquiring much more data than can be sent back to Earth."
To address that problem, rover cameras have gotten "smarter" over time -- especially regarding compression.
On Spirit and Opportunity, the compression was done using the onboard computer; on Curiosity, much of it was done using electronics built into the camera. That allows for more 3-D imaging, color, and even high-speed video.
NASA has also gotten better at using orbiting spacecraft as data relays. That concept was pioneered for rover missions with Spirit and Opportunity. The idea of using relays started as an experiment with NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, Bell said.
"We were expecting to do that mission on just tens of megabits each Mars day, or sol," he said. "When we got that first Odyssey overflight, and we had about 100 megabits per sol, we realized it was a whole new ballgame."
NASA plans to use existing spacecraft already in orbit at Mars -- the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MAVEN, and the European Space Agency's Trace Gas Orbiter -- as relays for the Mars 2020 mission, which will support the cameras during the rover's first two years

Traction control testing