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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Interesting Scientific Principles, Theories & Things

Hawking's Black Hole Theory (1971) England
Stephen Hawking (b.1942)
1974 Hawking said that black holes are not really black after all : they glow like a hot body and the smaller they are the more they glow. He proposed a mechanism by which black holes transform their mass into both radiation and particles that leave the hole.The result is that black holes gradually evaporate. So they do not last forever. The amount of radiation, now known as Hawking radiation, escaping from black hole is inversely proportional to the square of its mass ; that is, the smaller the black hole is, the shorter its life span.
Hawking, an eminent physicist, is the author of most popular science book of Our time, A brief history of time: From the big bang to Black Holes (1988)  

The Asteriod Theory of Extinction of Dinosaurs (1980) United States
Luis Alvarez (1911-1988)  
Some 65 million years ago, an asteriod the size of a large city, hit the Earth, throwing up a great cloud of dust that quickly covered the planet like a blanket, blocking sunlight for years. The climate changes that followed wiped out the dinosaurs, along with nearly 75 percent of all other species. 

Eve Hypothesis (1967) United States
Allan Wilson (1934-1991)
All human have evolved from a single woman, dubbed Eve or, more likely from a small group of women, who lived about 200,000 years ago in Africa.

Berners-Lee's Concept of the Web (1991) England
Tim Berners-Lee (b.1955) 
The World Wide Web (www, or simply the web) is the hypertext-based graphical information system on the Internet.

Mammal Cloning Experience (1996) England
Ian Witmut (b.1944)  
A mammal can be cloned from adult tissues. Frogs and other animals have been cloned since 1950s.

Theory of Everything (Time?) Location?
Unconfirmed Yet 
For a mathematical model that would encompass and explain everything in the Physics world


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