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Monday, April 30, 2018

Steelers Family Feud

Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Russia, Thailand are the suppliers of steel products to US currently

As U.S. allies, Japan and South Korea feel particularly wounded over steel tariffs  >>>>>>>>>>

And on a policy front, Abe has been an enthusiastic supporter of almost everything Trump has said, especially when it comes to putting “maximum pressure” on North Korea.

But now, Japan, which is not just led by a friendly politician but is a key security ally of the United States, looks likely to be slapped with tariffs on its steel exports to the United States.

“The U.S. is suddenly treating Japan as a target,” said Tsuyoshi Kawase, a professor of international trade policy at Sophia University in Tokyo. 

Things had been looking up for Japan on the trade front. Trump had been talking about returning to the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Japan had helped conclude even after the United States withdrew, and high-level trade talks had been taking place.

“The Japanese side is bewildered and confused, wondering if the U.S. will really impose these tariffs on Japanese steel,” Kawase said.

Trump delayed making a final decision on imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, although he has intimated that Canada and Mexico will get an exception. Other countries will be considered on national security grounds, the White House has said.

Japan and South Korea, another close security ally that is also set to be hit with tariffs, are now furiously lobbying the Trump administration to be exempted.

South Korea is the third-largest exporter of steel to the United States, after Canada and Brazil. It sold 3.5 million tons of steel products to the United States last year. Japan exported 1.9 million tons of steel to the United States last year and 33,000 tons of aluminum. 

Trump has proposed tariffs of 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum.

South Korea’s trade minister, Kim Hyun-chong, is now on his second trip to Washington in two weeks, meeting with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer, as well as key lawmakers such as Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah). That is in addition to the campaign being waged in Washington by a special South Korean trade task force.

The trade battle with South Korea — the prospect of steel tariffs follows on the heels of similar levies on solar panels and washing machines — comes at a sensitive time on the diplomatic front. 

Trump’s administration does not exactly have the best relationship with Moon Jae-in’s progressive government in Seoul. But Moon has been going all-out to facilitate dialogue between North Korea and the United States, creating the prospect of a lull in tensions, if not the start of a thaw.

With the alliance in a delicate spot, South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said this week that the tariffs could have a “negative impact on South Korea-U.S. relations.”

Ahn Deuk-geun, a professor at Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies, said: “The South Korean government is perplexed with this trade backlash because it comes at a time of cooperation with the U.S. on North Korea-related issues. The South Korean government maintains that the security and trade issues are separate, but in the big picture, this is awkward.”

This will only become more awkward if South Korea takes a case against the United States to the World Trade Organization.

For its part, China is issuing stern warnings that it would come back with a “justified and necessary” response if the United States moved to start a larger trade war. 

“As for our trade frictions, history teaches us that trade war is never the right solution,” China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, said at a news conference Thursday. “In a globalized world it is particularly unhealthy, as it will harm the initiator as well as the target country.”

“The bottom line is,” Wang said, “as the world’s largest economies, China and America’s interests are deeply entwined.”

Andy Rothman, an investment strategist at the Matthews Asia investment firm, said that if China believes it is being targeted on trade by Washington,“Beijing will respond in a proportionate way — probably by curbing imports of American soybeans in the hope that Midwestern farmers will mark their displeasure at the ballot box in November’s midterm elections.”

While China is threatening and South Korea is lobbying, Japan is trying to work behind the scenes to get added to the exemption list.

“Japan is taking a quiet approach, trying not to let the trade issue take a toll on the overall alliance,” said Tsuneo Watanabe, a senior research fellow at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

“If Japan protests openly, it would just lead to a tit-for-tat with Trump, and Japan knows that’s something it shouldn’t do,” he said.

To try to avoid tariffs, Japan’s officials are focusing particularly on the fact that its steel industry — unlike China’s — poses no national security threat to the United States.

“Exports of high-quality steel and aluminum from Japan, a U.S. ally, do not damage the U.S.’s national security in any way,” Hiroshige Seko, Japan’s trade minister, told reporters in Singapore this week. “Instead, they are contributing to the U.S. economy and creating jobs.”

Toyota Motor Corp., the world’s second-largest carmaker, has said the tariffs would substantially raise the prices of cars and trucks it sells in the United States. Japanese steel company executives are concerned that the move could cause upheaval in global markets.

“We are deeply concerned these tariffs will affect the steel trade across the entire world, especially if other countries follow suit and also become protectionist,” said Kosei Shindo, who is president of Nippon Steel, Japan’s biggest steelmaker, and chairman of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation.

“Trump says the WTO has ruined the U.S. economy, but the free-trade order that WTO sustains is extremely important for the whole world,” Shindo said at a news conference.

Said Watanabe, the Japanese researcher: “When trade friction grows between allies, the alliance is weakened. But it’s unclear if Trump understands that.” 

China files trade complaint against US over steel tariffs   >>>>>>>>>>>>>

China has filed a World Trade Organization complaint challenging U.S. President Donald Trump's tariff hike on imported steel and aluminum, according to a trade body.

China has requested 60 days of consultations with the United States on the steel and aluminum dispute, said the WTO.

Chinese employees watch hot red steel at a steel plant in Zouping in China's eastern Shandong province on March 5, 2018.

China has filed a World Trade Organization complaint challenging U.S. President Donald Trump's tariff hike on imported steel and aluminum, the trade body said Tuesday.

The tariff spat is one element of a wide-ranging trade dispute between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping's government. Trump also has threatened to increase duties on $50 billion of Chinese goods in a separate conflict over technology policy.

China has requested 60 days of consultations with the United States on the steel and aluminum dispute, according to the WTO. If that fails, the next step could be for Beijing to request a ruling from a panel of trade experts.

Beijing says Trump's decision to impose additional duties of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent aluminum violate international trade rules.

Steel and aluminum are among Chinese industries in which supply exceeds demand. China's trading partners complain its mills are exporting their surplus at improperly low prices, threatening jobs in the United States and Europe.

The United States buys little Chinese steel and aluminum following earlier tariff hikes meant to offset what Washington says are improper subsidies to producers. But economists said Beijing responded in order to show it would defend itself.

China's government issued a $3 billion list of U.S. goods including pork, apples and steel pipes on March 23 that it said might be targeted for retaliation if Trump fails to negotiate a settlement to the dispute over steel and aluminum charges 

Asia's biggest exporters bristle over U.S. tariffs, fanning trade war fears  >>>>>>>>

TOKYO (Reuters) - Major Asian nations reacted sharply on Friday to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, warning of damage to relations amid industry calls for retaliation.

Japan said the move would have a “big impact” on the countries’ close bilateral ties, while China said it was “resolutely opposed” to the decision and South Korea said it may file a complaint to the World Trade Organization.

Trump on Thursday pressed ahead with the imposition of 25 percent tariffs on steel imports and 10 percent for aluminum on Thursday, though he announced exemptions for Canada and Mexico, and said exceptions could also be made for other allies.

China, which produces half the world’s steel, will assess any damage caused by the U.S. move and “firmly defend its legitimate rights and interests,” the country’s Ministry of Commerce said.

The tariffs would “seriously impact the normal order of international trade,” the ministry said.

The European Union, Brazil and Argentina said overnight they should not be targeted or would seek exemptions, and both Japan and South Korea said they would ask to be made exceptions also.

South Korea, a key Washington Asian ally, is the third largest steel exporter to the United States, after Canada and Brazil.

The U.S. is the world’s biggest importer of steel, purchasing 35 million tonnes of raw material in 2017. Of those imports, South Korea, Japan, China and India accounted for 6.6 million tonnes.

“We should prevent a trade war situation from excessive protectionism, in which the entire world harm each other,” Trade Minister Paik Un-gyu told a meeting with steelmakers.

Trade tensions between China and United States have risen since Trump took office. China accounts for only a small fraction of U.S. steel imports, but its massive industrial expansion has helped create a global glut of steel that has driven down prices.

China’s steel and metals associations urged the government to retaliate against the United States, citing imports ranging from stainless steel to coal, agricultural products and electronics.

It was the most explicit threat yet from the country in an escalating trade spat.

The dispute has fueled concerns that soybeans, the United States’ most valuable export to the world’s second largest economy, might be caught up in the trade actions after Beijing launched a probe into imports of U.S. sorghum, a grain used in animal feed and liquor.

“The cost of a trade war will be tremendous and it will make everyone unhappy,” Junichi Makino, chief economist at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo, said in a report on Friday.


Trump’s declaration coincided with the signing by 11 countries of a new Trans-Pacific trade pact that the United States withdrew from last year.

The announcement underlines concerns about rising U.S. protectionism and the latest tariffs offset the positive impact from plans also announced overnight for Trump to meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un that raised hopes of ending a standoff over North

Korea’s nuclear weapons program, said Kwon Young-sun, an economist at Nomura Securities.

While carrying a message to Washington to push forward a diplomatic breakthrough over North Korea, South Korea’s national security office chief Chung Eui-yong requested U.S. officials to support South Korea’s request for a waiver on the steel tariffs, a South Korean presidential spokesman said.

Trump in January ordered tariffs on solar panels and washing machines imports to the United States.

Exports of these products and steel and aluminum make up less than 1 percent of South Korea’s total exports, Young-sun said.

“But broader U.S. curbs and countermeasures from Europe or China could derail the exports environment going forward,” he said.

A senior South Korean official said the tariffs would impact the renegotiation of the bilateral free trade deal with the United States that is currently underway.

The official said ways had to be found to address steel overcapacity in China as South Korea was the top importer of Chinese steel, although shipments from China were 21 percent down in 2017 from the previous year.

He said the United States has raised concerns over South Korea’s “transshipment” of Chinese steel, although the trade ministry has argued that only 2.4 percent of steel exported to the U.S. uses Chinese material.

The official also expect higher U.S. tariffs to put South Korean carmakers, Hyundai Motor (005380.KS) and Kia Motors (000270.KS), at a disadvantage in the U.S. market as it would increase their costs.

In Sydney, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull sounded confident of getting favorable treatment as Trump spoke of Washington’s strong relationship with Australia, a major exporter of iron ore but exports little steel and the United States was not a major customer.

“I was pleased to see the president acknowledge the strong points I have been making to him. There is no case for imposing tariffs on Australian steel,” Turnbull told reporters in Sydney.

India’s steel ministry said in a note to the trade ministry last month that U.S. import tariffs were expected to lead to a loss of $130 million in exports which were expected to total 333,656 tonnes for the year ending on March 31.

European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom will host her U.S. and Japanese counterparts in Brussels on Saturday to discuss steel overcapacity as part of talks that begin in December at a World Trade Organization meeting in Buenos Aires.

Shares in China’s steel and aluminum makers fell on Friday morning. Baoshan Iron & Steel (600019.SS) was down 3.3 percent by 0616 GMT, while Hesteel (000709.SZ) and Beijing Shougang (000959.SZ) were down more than 1 percent.

In South Korea, shares in Posco 0054900.KS were down 3.5 percent, while in Tokyo Japan’s biggest steelmaker Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (5401.T) fell 0.7 percent by the close.

Chinese steel futures slumped to their weakest level since November.

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