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Sunday, August 7, 2016


(Credit to Insein Prison Warden)

When I met North Korean Commando Captain Kang Min Chul, it was in 1985 inside Insein Jail. At that time he was serving life sentence without parole.
I talked to him in Myanmar which he could speak and understand
He was missing his left arm, it was amputated just above the shoulder.
I asked him,” How are you doing Captain?”
He said,” Please call me Kang Min Chul, my name, I am not a Captain anymore” with a nice smile
I told him that I was surprised that he could manage Myanmar language very well. He again surprised me with his reading and writing skills of Myanmar language by reciting Buddhist Prayers without looking at text. His Myanmar language writing was excellent too.

The reason for his prison sentence in Insein Maximum Security Prison was his direct involvement in assassination of then ROK President GEN Chun Do Hwan by setting up explosives

What happened was the ROK President initially planned to lay wreath at Martyrs’ Mausoleum on October 9, 1983 at 10.30am. While all the ROK cabinet members and all other dignitaries assembled and waiting for the President to show up, at about 10.25am (3) North Korean Commandos triggered an powerful explosive and killed about (20) dignitaries and seriously injured (46). ROK President GEN Chun Do Hwan narrowly escaped the assassination attempt.

North Korean Commando Group consists of Major Zimmo, Captain Sin Kee Chul and Captain Kang Min Chul. Team leader was Major Zimmo. They departed North Korea port and arrived in Yangon port on August 22, 1983. On arrival, one small boat approached their mother ship and someone said “ Follow me”. There were (2) men. Then Maj Zimmo, Capt Sin Kee Chul and Capt Kang Ming Chul rode in black sedan comfortably while enjoying views of Capital City of Yangon. At the same time they just started to feel he pressure of the responsibilities.
“You will be serving for your Father Country, paying back what was left to do in history. You have to complete it regardless of any circumstances. If you die, you die like heroes” Maj Zimmo was thinking back what DPRK Special Forces GEN Kim Chan Su said prior to their departure from North Korea
The black sedan drove into one of the diplomatic compound on (154/A), 2nd Thiri Yeiktha, Ahlone Township where it was the residence of DPRK diplomatic mission chief Mr Hee and (2) diplomatic members. Someone brought in beers and food. They ate altogether
“We have to stay here in this house until we get our explosives and other supplies. Someone will bring here. You have one and a half month to observe geography and surrounding landscape of the target. You have to mark up all penetration and escape routes. We are here to do the job for our father country, once the job is over, we have to find a way out to get to the rescue ship. The most important thing to is to get it done. The company will honor you all if it is successful, if not we are done”

Major Zimmo was cool and eyes were sparkling when finishing that sentence. Captain SKChul was thinking deep and getting strength. Captain KMChul and him were thinking back and forth about their job and in deep quiet thoughts

(2) days later, they received (2) big wheeled bags. Major Z checked the bags and confirmed that these were all explosives they have been waiting for. They are all familiar with all of this. Major Z divided stuff among them and given to other team members for use

They have been hanging out in Capital City of Yangon for a while, observing, walking along downtown boulevards such as Maha Bandoola, Anawratha, cruising down Pansodan to Jetty street along the Yangon River bank and looked at ocean going ships and said that the escape route should be this way to get to the ocean.
Major Zimmo said” You two mark it up, this shall be your escape route”
Major Zimmo pulled out the map, walk along the bank to Bo Ta Taung. Then get inside the Bo Ta Taung Jetty. Then rent e taxi and went to Pa Zon Taung then walked to Tha Ke Ta, and Tha Ke Ta bridge. Then back to their house

Many many days later after the same routine, they were so familiar with Yangon, and all in/out routes, they felt like they were ready for the job

On September 5th, 1983 9am, Major Z reported to his command and got final ‘go’ personally from MAJ GEN KK Su. Major Zimmo turned back and looked the other two and said proudly, “Commanding General confirmed and approved the plan, we have (2) days and our target will be here in Yangon. Finally we have chance to do the job. We will go and do final check to target area once the target date is closer”

On October 6th,1983 the day of the final check, Captain KMChul was wearing Myanmar dress. The other (2) were wearing T shirts and Batik short pants up to their knees, headed for Shwe Da Gone Pagoda. They went up to Shwe Da Gone Pagoda bypassing Martyr’s Mausoleum. They already have reviewed and observed terrain around Martyr’s Mausoleum so many times so they do not even need a map anymore. Then they went into a KanDawGyi park, sat by lake, came back out, spend some time at tea shop, and from Bahan Circle, coming back to Shwe Da Gone Pagoda, then walking along U WiSara Road, stopped at WaZiRa Cinema Hall and observed Martyr’s Mausoleum 
from there and back to where they lived

“Lets start tonight” Major Z said.
“Lets get out of this can and we position near the target area”
“ We have to plant explosives tomorrow night”
“Lets get out and observe again”

On that night, they spend the whole night in KanDawGyi park, resting on bench underneath a big tree in the park. They went back to house to rest the whole day.
On October 8th night, they were out again. This time they brought the explosives with them. By 2am all (3) went into Martyr’s Mausoleum from south side and climbed onto roof and set the explosives all over. Captain KM Chul was watching for the backs.
“Are you panicking?” Major Z asked Captain KMChul. Captain KMChul confessed so many years later to prison warden ”I have never thought about betraying my country, however, the responsibilities for this job is so tremendously big, that only worries me all the time”
When the daylight came, they left the target area and got breakfast at Myay Ni Gone. About 7.30am they left the food place, walked towards Shwe Da Gone Pagoda and looked around the situation near Martyr’s Mausoleum. Only now They have seen the security personals and the activities around Mausoleum according to assassins. They avoided those securities and walked back to Wazira Cinema Hall. They saw car garage between cinema hall and gas station.

“Lets hang around inside tea shop”
Inside tea shop, no one noticed them that they were on a mission. They drank coffee, and ate without talking and they paid bill and left tea shop about 10am. The walked back to Wazira Cinema Halls again. And then they saw a guarded motorcade passing

Major Zimmo looked at the other two meaningfully and said,” They are coming. We have (5 )minutes. We will split up, you (2) leave together. We will meet up at designated point later”

They shook hands and encouraged each other as they left. Then Major Zimmo left towards Wazira Cinema Hall. Captain KMChul and Captain SKChul waited nearby. Then suddenly, they heard very loud 'boom' from the direction of Mausoleum. The explosion cracked high in the sky above, shook them both, the earth around and underneath. Captain KMChul and Captain SK Chul looked at each other and quickly left the area

The news spread quickly. ROK President GEN Chun Do Hwan did not die. Instead

Seo Seok-jun, deputy Prime Minister
Lee Beom-seok, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kim Dong-hwi, Minister of Commerce
Suh Sang-Chul, Minister of Power Resources
Ham Byeong-chun, Presidential Chief of Staff
Lee Gye-cheol, Ambassador to Burma
Kim Jae-ik, senior Presidential Secretary for Economic
Ha Dong-seon, Planning Director of International Cooperation Committee
Lee Gi-uk, Vice-Minister of Finance
Gang In-hui, Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forest, Fishery
Kim Yong-hwan, Vice-Minister of Science and Technology
Sim Sang-u, a member of the National Assembly
Min Byeong-seok, physician in attendance on the President
Lee Jae-gwan, presidential press secretary
Han Gyeong-hui, a presidential guard
Jeong Tae-jin, a presidential guard
Lee Jung-hyeon, reporter of The Dong-a Ilbo

All (17) perished and (32) injured from ROK delegation. They all went back to ROK in coffins and now resting in peace inside their own Mausoleum at Seoul's National Cemetery

Next day, the October 10th, 1983 at 9.45pm residents saw a suspicious person swimming in the PazonnDaung Canal. He exploded the grenade when he was surrounded, caused (3) civilians injured. Port Police apprehended the suspect and found out that was Major Zimmo. The blast caused him both legs, both hands and both eyes

Next day, the October 11th, 1983 at 6am Captain SKChul and Captain KMChul rented a boat. The boat owner notified police in Kauk Hmuu Township. During that interrogation they exploded a device, injuring (3) policemen. During that shootout Captain SKChul was killed by police personals. The other escaped

Next day, the October 12th, 1983 at 7am Captain KMChul was found alive and surrounded. He refused to surrender, a platoon from Myanmar 90th Infantry Battalion tried to catch him alive, he committed suicide by setting off explosive device. The blast caused (3) soldiers’ lives and Captain KMChul was caught alive finally

Final sentence for Major Zimmo was to be hanged by a rope. He was hanged to death by a rope during a month of April, 1985, one and a half years after assassination attempt. We have difficulties to hang Major Zimmo. In order to be hanged, he supposed to be handcuffed, and tied both hands at the back. For lower torso, we had to tie both feets. We could not do none of it because he was missing hands and legs. We had to lifted him up, put the rope around his neck and …hanged him.

Final sentence for Captain KM Chul was life without parole. He stayed in Insein Prison until his death in 2008. During that period, ROK diplomats came to prison and persuaded him for t least (3) or (4) times to come to South Korea. He said “No”. He said he would rather live in Insein forever….until….


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