Monday, February 13, 2017

Burma Stays will never ever fade away easy


We still like to call them “Burma” although the name (from Burma to Myanmar), the ‘ism’, the culture and the sports system of the country have been changed.
During 1970s football in Myanmar was at its peak like it has never been achieved before, national level and club teams competition level wise

As a young football fan, I watched national team played for first ever Olympic qualifying matches and in Olympics in 1972 by beating all Asian rivals such as Isreal, and to Thai national team decisively. The team wise, and the individual wise they were so innovative and too many talents and too much for Asian rivals      

I have watched Khin Maung Tun (he played for Burma and Customs in 1970s, he is a big tall guy but he is so swift and played balls so beautiful in air), Tin Aung (he played for Army, tall but slim/lengthy and he played so consistent, I met him so many times during his successful career abroad) , Mg Mg Nyunt (he was a first class goal keeper and a backup goalkeeper for first line up Goal Tin Aung, he is from Rakhine State, light heavyweight class classy goal keeper too) Tin Win (he played for Trade first division team, he could play anywhere in the field, physically the most fittest in the then Burma first division, rarely chosen to Burma team because there were so many players like his level), Kyaw Min (he played for Navy Team, he was individually so great that he could carry ball from back and still score, big guy, seldom chosen to Burma team because his outstanding solo play in first division)  Myo Win Nyunt (most disciplined player of Burma and also he score goals beautifully on opposite site), Tin Sein (great player, played for customs), Mg Mg Tin (one of the best sweeper Burma had ever had, smart, proud, always head high, cool during any game), Thein Htay Aung (he played for Trade, short, great controls,about the size of Maradona before the time of Maradona) Aung Than (tall, he played sweeper after Mg Mg Tin retired during Burma waning days), Than Htike (paired with Aung Than, he played for Burma first division,smart, quick-tempered player), Khin Mg Tint (he is a bench player during Burma Golden Era), Htun Hla Aung (he played for EPC as sweeper #4 in first division league), Tin Han (he was a old school player for Ministry of Construction, tough,fighter) Kyaw Nyunt (he played for EPC, very smart player, own style player), Kyaw Tint (he played for Air Force team with Aye Maung Lay, bench player of Burma most of time), Aye Maung (Gyi)(one of greatest player Burma possessed then and may be forever, intelligent, great dribbler, set piece originator and the brain), Aye Maung (Lay)(played for Air Force team,has great stamina, he could play the whole field for 90 inures easy) Sein Win (Gyi) (he played for Trade, midfielder, rarely chosen in Burma team because his hot temper and fights almost first division league games), Sein Win (Lay)(he played in Ministry of Construction team and a protege of Aye Maung Gyi but he played with his own style and very fast, lightning team moves forward, very entertaining), Than Win (younger brother of Sein Win Lay, played for Trade and very talented player, very creative, great dribbling skills, fast, left footer) Thein Aung (Army muscle midfielder, he should be Mr Universe instead of football player, and Army team captain for quite a while), Benny Tin Aung (we just called him Benny at that time, he played for Trade, midfielder, backup player for Burma (2)Aye Maungs in the midfield) Pan Sit (he played for Yangon Minicipal with Than Soe, famous player), Hla Htay (cool, classy, bike rider with a tobacco pipe in his mouth all time, intelligent, highly gifted winger from Irrawaddy Division), Ye Nyunt (one of Burma main striker, played for Customs with Myo Win Nyunt and Tin Sein), Than Soe (Sut Thee)(Burma's main striker, aggressive,daring player scoring goals in critical times of crises) Win Mg (tall, humble, fast moving, very cool winger from Army), Tin Ag Moe (short, stocky, very good nature winger from Ministry of Construction died in young age, a favourite of Thailand and Shan State, he was loved dearly), Tin Shwe (great dribbler, he played better in first division league games, played so smooth), May Kyaing (he is a short, so stocky but fast muscled striker for Burma team in later days, Win Sein (he is good, fast, and a lot of muscles, popular in macho country like Afganistan, they offered to hire for their league team,  Kyi Lwin (short, very fast, dedicated first division player, always entertaining in league games), Kyaw Min (he played for Navy, sometimes he played as goalkeeper and sometimes he played forward, and in one of night game in Aung San stadium, recalled that he was impatient with his forwards that he went forward and himself scored one goal as a Navy goalkeeper) in national level and club teams in first division league played at Aung San stadium

During 1970s ‘Burma’ has won all Asian football circuit trophies such as Park Chung Hee Cup, Madeka, Thai King Cup, Asian Cup, Olympic qualifying rounds etc by beating Korea, Iran, Isreal. Asians football fans know Burmese football players by name. Burmese players were way popular abroad than inside Burma those days. Today in year 2017, some of these players are not here with us, some were long gone  I personally missed them very much       

With this a little write up, I would like to bow, honor and salute Khin Maung Tun, Ko Tin Aung, Ko Mg Mg Nyunt, Ko Myo Win Nyunt, Ko Tin Sein, Ko Mg Mg Tin, Ko Aye Mg (Gyi), Ko Aye Mg (Lay), Ko Hla Htay, Ko Tin Ag Moe, Ko Ye Nyunt, Ko Than Soe, Ko Win Maung, Ko Khin Maung Tint, Ko Than Win, and so so many talents from my heart. It will be a very thick book if you write it up all about these great player

Lastly, I really feel like I would like to hear the song “Doh Bamar Naing Pyi” again at 8 am after the every final match like we used to on those glorious days

And I would like to request Myanmar current football authorities to show old golden Myanmar Football matches as educational purposes 

Burma will not fade away, never ever in my mind and other football loving fans in Myanmar

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