Saturday, February 10, 2018


Marine Biology

One time I took Martine Biology at San Bernardino Valley College. It taught us about undersea marine life (which covers 95% of the world), earth (5% of the world), especially about “Tectonic Plates” in the world (Burma Plate, Phillipine Plates Etc), earthquakes, the dangers about plastic, about seafarers who invented the compass (some claimed that it was by Chinese, some said it was by the Arabs). It was invented by Chinese as early as Han Dynasty (206BC). The compass was used in Song Dynasty  China by military for Navigational Orienteering by 1040-1044AD and was used for maritime navigation by 1111-1117AD. It was a great invention rivaled to industrial revolution, internet. Before that ‘Compass” invention, seafarers did not know whether they could circle Africa Continent, they were lost almost all time and experienced disasters at sea.

But, I want to talk here about is “Plastic”. We are using plastic left and right in all market places. Wrapping hot food, superhot soup, that worry me a great deal. The heat will suck the BPA (one of the life-threatening content in plastic) poison out of plastic direct to your food. You will be basically be eating poison instead of yummy dishes. Unlike aluminum ceramics, plastics are known to be hazardous to human beings and animals lives worldwide. BPA, as it commonly known, a key ingredient used in the production of plastics has been linked to ‘Cancer’ in Lab Test
And plastic is not bio degradable as natural products like wood, oil, gasoline, steel, iron, minerals, human beings and animals

And plastic is super dangerous when exposed to children and animals

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